Got a question? There's a good chance it's covered here! If not, don't hesitate to drop us a line.

Is everything you sell authentic?

Yes! We guarantee the authenticity of everything we sell. There are lots of places that sell replica Shoyoroll and Albino and Preto gear — eBay is notorious for this — but everything on our website is guaranteed to be 100% authentic. If we sell you something that turns out to be a knock-off, we'll pay for you to ship it back to us and will make it right: Either with a suitable replacement or a full refund, your choice!

I bought/saw a gi on eBay/Facebook/somewhere else and it looks kind of iffy. Can you tell me if it's fake?

Happy to help! Head over to the Contact page and send us the details, or DM us on Instagram or Facebook and we'll get back to you pronto.

Do you buy gis, rash guards, and other stuff?

We sure do! You can find a list of what we buy along with an inquiry form on our Sell Us Your Gear page.

What if I buy something and it doesn't fit? Or I hate it?

No problem! Just return it (though you're responsible for return shipping). You can find more info on our Shipping and Returns page.

How can I find out more about a particular gi?

The best place is the Gi Database . It has details and photos of just about every gi Shoyoroll and Albino and Preto have released.

You didn't answer my question!

Sorry! Shoot us a note and we'll respond as soon as we can!